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Tomb Raider Italia Forum: soccorriamo giocatori incalliti dal 1862! (cit. Luana) |
| Resident Evil 6 | |
+12Jaccko86 Dada werwillkrieg Darkbalthiero luna03 Laraboy chakram Antilia Emily raidergale Tita Irs 16 partecipanti | |
Autore | Messaggio |
Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 11:49 am | |
| Si parla dell'approccio alla campagna di Leon comunque, per il restro quella di Chris sarà più militareggiante e action, mentre quella di Jake sarà più improntata sulla fuga. | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 11:50 am | |
| Sisi ma mi piace tutta 'sta cosa Tre storie che si intrecciano, ognuna con il suo gameplay... bello bello | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 11:55 am | |
| Yessum, molto ambizioso! Speriamo che sia fatto tutto a dovere, ma le prime impressioni sono moooolto positive. L'unica cosa appunto è l'hud (e anche l'indicatore dell'obbiettivo, ma un tizio di GameTrailers ha detto di aver fatto presente che rovina un pochino l'atmosfera e spera che accoglieranno questo suggerimento), non mi convince vede qua, sembra un po' incasinato. | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 12:10 pm | |
| Sì non è bellissimo in effetti | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 12:17 pm | |
| Penso che gli abbiano fatto presente anche quello, spero E per il cosino che indica la strada, mi piacerebbe che fosse disattivabile (se proprio non vogliono toglierlo, in Bioshock per esempio c'è un freccione che si può disattivare), anche perchè davvero rovina l'immersione nel gioco e rende troppo ovvio quello che si deve fare. | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 12:18 pm | |
| Sì infatti, solo che i giocatori moderni sono molto più babbalei di una volta | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 12:19 pm | |
| E allora il compromesso giusto è renderlo disattivabile Quell'indicatore c'è anche in REORC... Così i babbalei se lo piazzano su schermo e quelli più sgamati no! | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 12:26 pm | |
| In realtà mi sono resa conto che quando ci sono 'sti cosi... non li guardo nemmeno (magari per l'energia e le munizioni sì, ma non per la mappa!) | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 12:40 pm | |
| Cosa centra la mappa? Non c'è nell'hud, io mi riferivo a quel simbolino a forma di porta che indica i metri mancanti all'obiettivo. | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 12:47 pm | |
| Non parlavo di RE... dicevo in generale, quando ci sono indicazioni su dove andare, direzioni da prendere, freccione lampeggianti, mappe indicative... alla fine non guardo e vado per la mia strada. | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 12:55 pm | |
| Ah ecco L'ideale sarebbe far scegliere al giocatore se avere più o meno indicazioni. Poi io da sempre sono a favore della schermata più pulita possibile, per garantire l'immersione totale. | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 1:28 pm | |
| Intanto grazie ad IGN, ho scovato delle belle immagini ambientali, eccole qua: Mi sembrano interessanti, c'è qualcosa di più classico e altro più moderno. Nel complesso ispirano! | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 1:30 pm | |
| ahahaha la mitica manovella che non manca mai | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 1:36 pm | |
| Vero? Inquietante però, sembra castelloso...anche la metro mi inquieta, sarà che la associo a SH! Brrrr... | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 2:54 pm | |
| Dall'anteprima di IGN, metto in spoiler sia la versione in english che la traduzione: - Spoiler:
<<While Leon and Helena are dealing with the crisis in Tall Oaks, Chris Redfield and his BSAA partner Piers Nivens will be confronting an outbreak in China alongside a brief that takes place six months earlier. In that flashback, Redfield's BSAA unit appears to be decimated by none other than Ada Wong. This tragedy changes Chris's outlook on life, leading to what Capcom describes as a different take on the character – one we are "not accustomed to" according to Capcom producers.>>............................................................................................................................. <<Mentre Leon ed Helena hanno a che fare con la crisi a Tall Oaks, Chris Redfield e il suo partner BSAA Piers Nivens dovranno confrontarsi con un'infezione in Cina in un breve intermezzo che ha luogo sei mesi prima. Nel flashback, l'unità BSAA capitanata da Redfield sembra essere decimata da niente popò di meno che Ada Wong. Questa tragedia cambia la visione che Chris ha della vita, portando a quello che i produttori di Capcom definiscono come una visione differente del personaggio - una visione alla quale "non siamo abituati".>>
Quindi sarebbe quello il famoso evento che cambia la vita a Chris, riguarderebbe la sua squadra BSAA. E chi faceva parte di quella squadra?! Mmmm...Vi lascio il link all'intero articolo: Non so se è un'interpretazione di quelli di IGN però, dato che è la prima volta che vedo associato l'evento al fattore di cambiamento in Chris. Negli altri articoli si parla sempre di "eventi sconvolgenti". | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 2:58 pm | |
| Mah... io spero solo che non mi rovinino Chris. Mi farebbe PARECCHIO incavolare!!! | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 2:59 pm | |
| E' "solo" un po' più arrabbiato, poi chi lo sa! | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 3:07 pm | |
| Speruuumaaaa | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Ven Apr 13, 2012 9:24 pm | |
| Ho scovato da dove vengono alcune delle immagini che ho postato stamattina, in pratica sono delle mappe bonus per la modalità "Mercenaries". Verranno regalate in sede di pre-ordine, ad ogni negozio è associata una mappa diversa: GameStop - The Catacombs, - High Seas Fortress, BestBuy - Rail Yard. Vedremo se l'iniziativa arriva anche da noi.
Fonte: | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Sab Apr 14, 2012 10:03 pm | |
| Ho finito, ed ecco a voi in esclusiva, la trascrizione completa del Podcast Ufficiale del Capcom Captivate 2012 (a Roma) su Resident Evil 6! Capcom Presents:Hello and welcome to a new episode of the Capcom Unity Official Podcast! This episode is a bit different in that it's not a typical show. It's coming from "Captivate", our annual event where we show off our newest/latest games we're gonna be talking about for the next year and obviously the biggest one on the tip of everybody's tongue right now, Resident Evil 6. So we're gonna kick off the series of quick interviews from "Captivate" with the team for Resident Evil 6, which is executive producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi, director Eiichiro Sasaki and producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi. And obviously they have a lot to still reveal about the game, there's a ton of infos still coming, but hopefully this help scratch the hitch, hopefully not leading into some kind of itchy tasty joke that I did non plan, but...Hopefully enjoy the interview and we have more to come so thanks for listening. Check out, check out the podcast on iTunes and thanks for listening!We wanna kick off after seeing the demonstration, the big thing is a variety of gameplay for Resident Evil 6 and just the difficulty, maybe that's the challenge there to balance kind of the horror aspect with an action aspect there seem like there's a variety going on. How difficult maybe that was building the game that way?Well, one of the easiest ways we saw at Capcom was by writing three scripts for the game. Basically we wanted to incorporate all those elements so, for example, we wanted to really get all those horror elements down and that's what Leon story it's about. With Chris you have almost a war story. Chris in that dramatic battlefield experience and of course for Jake, the new character you saw, you have him...he's trying to escape so...each one of those stories offers something different. Right, yes, it makes sense from a story perspective that he's part of the B.S.A.A. like he would just continue to push this fight further along. But then thinking about Leon was there ever a point...Was Leon always considered to retain that kind of survival horror, not survival horror necessarily, but just that creepier aspect is that what fans you think maybe associate Leon more? Was there ever a point where, like, Leon maybe was gonna be in a similar situation as Chris or was it desired keeping Leon in that kind of creepy atmosphere?Actually no. From the very beginning we decided we wanted to go in this different directions for the characters. So Leon would be the horror, Chris would be the action side, but speaking to the action elements of Chris's story, it's not just the straight forward action set up. There are some horror elements too as well and depending on the paths you're taking Chris's story is not all that straight moving forward action, there are some horrific elements added to it. One of the questions i saw to that effect...One of the questions I saw online was the phrase "dramatic horror" and how it's different from "survival horror" and how do you actually describe, like, the difference and how that term came about?Ok, "dramatic horror" what that is...It's not replacing "survival horror". "Survival horror" is still the core concept of what Resident Evil is, but it's a way for us to express how we're going beyond the basics of "survival horror". For example we wanted to make sure we have a really dramatic story, something that gets the player involved, you feel the action taking place, you really...You really feel part of it. The whole scale of the game itself it's much bigger than anything we've done before. So, for us "dramatic horror" it's just a way of trying to incapsulate all these elements we're putting into the game. So you still have the "survival horror" as the basis, but we're doing everything on a larger scale than we've done before and for us "dramatic horror" is the way we try to incapsulate all those elements of the game. One of the main features as well will be co-op and each of these...It seems that the characters are paired up nicely, was that again a decision from the beginning to retain that, like, RE5 started this idea of having that co-op partner? Was that similar? Was that always like "we wanna make sure we keep that" or there was a point like "we thought maybe we would go back to a solo story" or was it always about a big escalation?Hum, well...I mean...When we decided to have three main characters in the game, I mean, we could have just added that, would just be those three and that's it. But if you give each of them a partner, than you have almost front and to purposes six main characters in the game. So, with that, it gave us more opportunities to tell a story and you have six peoples worth of story in the game, coming together. So, that allows more people to play the games. And another reason for that it's just because it helps up the dramatic elements, like we said, with the story elements and the conversation as well. For example RE4 you had Leon and you're just communicating with a radio, with Hunnigun all the time. And so, there's never that immediacy of the conversation. By having a partner with you, you have that immediacy. Like whatever Leon is saying, he can say it directly to Helena and Chris does that with Piers and Jake does that with Sherry. So, you're allowed to form a bond with these characters not only for story, but also for exposition and for the way you...The dialogue...The way it build characters as well. Specifically Jake and Sherry seem to have we're introduced with Jake the first time, we haven't heard from Sherry in many years so I guess we can get kind of an update on Sherry as well, as like a bit about we found out in this presentation that Jake is actually Wesker's son, so, which is big news. Just kind of an update on both those characters and how they've kind of a similar stake, it seems like, with their genetic background.Yeah, I think it's...I guess almost fifteen years since we've seen Sherry but...Yeah, Sherry lost both her parents in Raccoon City and she also, because of the G-Virus, she was infected with that, it also affected her body. Jake, he didn't have a father growing up and also having Wesker's blood in him has also affected his body. So there's that overlap in the characters, in their backgrounds and I think that it's something that will bring them together and, as I mentioned, in the game itself it leads to more dramatic elements in their story as they're trying to escape together, there's a bond that forms between them. And then with the two new characters: Helena Harper and Piers. I know they're both kind of like of fresh faces right now. They're not...saying to much, but is there anything else you could tell the fans about these two, like, brand new characters?First, I can talk a little bit about Piers. Fist I've got to say I really like Piers, I like this character and hum...what we wanted to do is, you know, as you said the B.S.A.A. is in RE6 and the B.S.A.A was first introduced to us in Resident Evil 5 and of course, Chris we know is part of the B.S.A.A. but we don't know Piers. So, we want to make sure that while Piers is a new character, it felt like he's been part of the B.S.A.A. for a while, that he's been part of this organization and working with them fighting bio-terrorism. They're fighting terrorists in this game who have caused the big bio hazard outbreak in China and other places's up to them to stop that. Over in Japan actually, we started to doing a Resident Evil 6 manga and in that manga we introduced Piers Nivans, but that was before we even announced RE6 so no one knew that he was a character from this game yet, but we wanted to introduce him as a member of the B.S.A.A. and to show that he's been around for a while. He knows the robes and he can fit in, he's not just as a new character who doesn't know what's going on. Ok, let me tell you now about Helena Harper. I think she's the core since she's paired up with Leon and Leon is really one of the core characters in the game. So you have him as this archetype of the hero, who do you bring to work with him? What kind of person can be his partner? And...looking at Leon's history we notice that he gets kind of used or played by many women in the past. So, we wanted to kind of play up that element, so we decided we'll introduce a pretty young woman, name of Helena and...there's not much we can disclose about her yet, but...we know there's a lot of mystery surrounding her. We don't know who she is, or what she's doing, but Leon is forced into a situation where he has to trust her. So, will Leon be again used by another beautiful woman? How will this play out in the course of the game? That's something will be making more announcements. I figured the way that the intro begins seems like a very crucial plot point of them being framed together. Can we trust her or not? We expect to get a whole new lot information, because it seems super key of like, a big part of the story but, I just wanted to ask just in case.
Moving on from the heroes, looks like some of the new villains there's a lot to talk about there as well. Really quick. The zombies were back but you added some like, a little extra elements to the traditional zombies as well.Ok, yeah, the zombies that we've seen in the past RE games they were all born of the T-Virus, in this game they're result of the C-Virus, but exactly what that means and how they're actually born is something we're keeping under wraps for now. But, just know that the C-Virus is involved. Hum, this zombies wanted to change it up a little, make them a little different from what you expect. Their reflexes are a little faster, so they're not as slow as traditional zombies. You can see they can do certain moves that traditional zombies can't do. Just to, you know, makes a little scarier in the game to have this types of zombies that can react so well. Also we wanted to introduce kind of, will you see elements of the zombies former lives. So you'll see them holding the items, these zombies as they attack you. And it's items that they either have an affinity for when they were still alive. We won't have a baseball player in the game, but a baseball player might have a bat or a cook might have a cleaver or something like that, so...or maybe just they picked up something to fight other zombies, you know...things that they were accustomed to while they were alive. So that what you see is that they're not just creatures, they're not just zombies, they were once people. They were once people, yeah. Seems like the next, like, step of the ladder is the J'avo and they seem to have this extra ability that's touched down when they sustain a certain amount of damage to a certain part of their body regenerates but what it comes back it's got a mutated form, they're like...if you can talk about, like, how about that gameplay feature works, or like the degree to which that will happen like is it all limbs or like, it is randomized or just how that works in gameplay?Yeah, what you saw with the J'avo is depending on how they're hurt and that body part that's hurt can mutate to something else. And that happens to almost any part of their body, so any part of their body could mutate into something else and the thing is you never know is what's gonna mutate into. For example like you can be shooting them from a distance and an arm falls off, then comes out with this side for like arm and...which is really good for close and personal attacks...fighting these creatures, but depending you could be shooting a bunch of J'avo and different body parts fall off and you don't know what's gonna happen, so depending on the fight you get into, that fight could change. It won't always be the same type of fight when you're fighting J'avo. There's maybe like a bit of replay goodie as well, cause the same fight will not happen necessarily the same way twice, seems like.And there's a lot that the J'avo can do that we haven't talked about yet, so that's something I think that players will have to look forward. The director himself has put a lot of effort into designing them, and make sure that they really impact the game and that they're not just enemies that just appear. They actually affect the game. Where did, like, the inspiration for that idea come from? Cause we have seen, like, since RE4, like, the heads and the parasites will come out. Was there anything since RE5 that happened in movies or games that made "Oh, what if we took this a step further" or...kind of an inspiration behind that idea?He said: I think...basically when you look at what was in 4, what was in RE5, I think this is the natural evolution of this type of enemy in the game. I'm a big fan of both those games and I admire what they did there and I think that if you look at what they did, you wanna try and bring it to the next level. And try and bring the player to some place new, so they don't get bored. So...considering what was in those games I think the J'avo are just the next step in trying to create an interesting enemy for players to fight. Hum...We wanted to make sure that when people are playing this game it's not something they get bored of quickly. That there is always something for them to see, something that's interesting. Hirabayashi-San said one of the things you can see about the J'avo in one of the pictures we showed, is they have all of those eyes and part of their body transforms into things are kind of insectoid. Ok, if you look at insects as maybe one of the sources, you can see, get a lot of ideas from the insect world and Sasaki-San himself was key in try to employ aspects of insects cause there's all this things that insects can do. There's all these species of insects, it's almost limitless and that was a key source of inspirations for the types of transformations you see. And then we also have the chrysalides. In case the J'avo. So in cases like that not just a part of their body, but the body as a whole is transformed into something different and there's all different types of mutations that could be born out of something like that. Right, yeah, the next question actually would kind of touched on that already, the chrysalides like how...I guess you encounter them as kind of a cocoon and then what comes out seems to be randomized so that adds another layer of just surprise and horror to a degree like...I guess you wouldn't know necessarily what it would be. Is that randomized like when I run in a room I see one and I get one result? Like that say I play through the game the second time, that would be again different even in that room the second time?Woah, I'll just kind of dodge that question I think...That's something you'll get to enjoy when you play the game, but what I can say is the concept behind it's almost like a grab bag, you never know what you're gonna get when you encounter one of these chrysalides in the game, so I think that just, as you said, ups the horror, ups the tension and the level of expectation. You don't know what's gonna happen. I saw that same screen, looked like the same screen in co-op play, then I'm assuming online would be...that the online functionality would be similar to the past...That hop in, hop out it seemed like.Yeah, hum, first we have split-screen for co-op and that's when you're playing locally, of course you have to choose that from the beginning so that you can have that in the game and make...that's a conscious decision right there. Uh, but when you're talking about online we wanted to make it a little easier, a little more fluid for people playing together. You remember in 5 if you tried to play online with someone it reset, it took you back to the beginning cause you couldn't just jump in wherever you want, but now I could be playing the game and when Sasaki-San logs on, is online, he can just join in with my game. We can play at any point and that's gonna happen throughout the course of the game, we don't have to go back to a certain point or wait for a certain point to play together. I think that's one of the key features of the online in this game and makes it much smoother playing this game. And the final question is...Now that Revelations is out and part of the canon, there's this bit of story that filled in the gaps there, are there any odds that in 6 that kind of make any references back to Revelations or anything for fans who finished that game as well they could, you know, dig in and find?Hum, first Revelations and this game were almost developed concurrently. As you said Revelation is part of Resident Evil story and does fit in in this canon so nothing in Resident Evil 6 is going to negate that. There will be some connections, but there's nothing specific I could point you at this point for that. Just know that, for example, this game takes place much later than when Resident Evil Revelations takes place, this takes place in 2013 so, again, we're moving the story of Resident Evil forward. All right, well, thank you very much for stopping by. Thank you!Hem...devo anche tradurlo? | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Dom Apr 15, 2012 11:13 am | |
| ahahahah ecco cos'era! Ci metterò un mese a leggere tutta 'sta roba | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Dom Apr 15, 2012 12:05 pm | |
| Vuoi che la traduco anche? Anche se non penso che tu, essendo l'unica che lo leggerai, abbia bisogno della versione in italiano. | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Dom Apr 15, 2012 12:19 pm | |
| Io me lo leggo così... vediamo se a qualcun'altro interessa e lo vuole tradotto! | |
| | | Irs Manager Sala Giochi
Messaggi : 33813 Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.11 Località : Milano
Foglio di personaggio Energia: (15/15) Equipaggiamento: (17/20) Esperienza: (60/100)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Dom Apr 15, 2012 12:22 pm | |
| Dubito In caso io a tempo perso ho già iniziato. Ah, comunque il tizio che fa le domande a volte è un po' incasinoso...buah ah ah! | |
| | | Tita Admin
Messaggi : 58994 Data d'iscrizione : 13.01.11 Età : 46 Località : Beinasco (TO)
| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 Dom Apr 15, 2012 12:30 pm | |
| Con i Podcast di Crystal invece non si capiscono mai le risposte Quello parte ogni volta per la tangente, si perde nel filo dei suoi pensieri... | |
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| Titolo: Re: Resident Evil 6 | |
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